According to the Workforce View 2020 study, conducted by the ADP Research Institute, 55% of French employees feel stress at work . Although we experience less stress than our European neighbours, this number is still very worrying.
What impact does stress have on your business?
The stress factor is not insignificant: it can lead to a drop in productivity, less motivated employees, or stagnating or even declining results. Also, serious mistakes can be made by stressed employees in your company, or at the extreme, burn-outs. At the first sign, it is crucial to take into account the well-being of your employees within your company.
In the workplace it is not uncommon to find yourself cut off from your duties to answer questions from colleagues. Once in a while this may seem normal. But if this interaction is repeated X times, it has a real negative impact on your productivity.
You lose track of what you were doing... And it takes you several minutes to get back to your basic task.
You feel that you are not making progress in your work, that you are skimming over subjects and not being productive. These repetitive interruptions delay your work and can increase your stress level.
You will not be able to avoid exchanges with your colleagues and on the contrary, sharing information can be useful. However, it is possible to improve your communications by using asynchronous modes of communication. Slack or Teams are very useful tools for engaging colleagues on non-urgent matters. These tools allow you to stop saying "it takes 2 seconds" (we know this isn't true!) and instead give your colleague the freedom to respond when they are available.
You can also take the problem at source and point out the poor sharing of information in the company and review the implementation of knowledge management if some processes have been created (or on the contrary, implement new practices if nothing has been done).
Do you take the time to find out if your tasks are valuable? It is important to know which ones do not. For example, attending meetings that you have nothing to contribute to and that don't bring you anything either.
You don't necessarily ask yourself about the relevance of your tasks and your opinion is not necessarily sought... And yet, it is an important indicator to take into account to improve the performance of the company.
You fall behind on your high value-added tasks where your presence is mandatory.
ROTI = Return On Time Invested
At the end of each meeting, the idea is to ask participants to vote (from 1 to 5) to assess the relevance of their participation in the meeting.
When accumulated, micro-tasks cause a lot of friction. You may not realise it, but you have a lot of them in your day.
For example, to access your daily documents, you use multiple tools. These documents are stored in SharePoint, Drive, your emails, etc., and to access them it takes a few clicks.
These clicks only account for about 30 seconds each time, which may not seem like much.
And yet, if you click for only 30 seconds, 20 times a day, that represents half a day per month! Imagine over a year... and we are not even taking into account the time wasted due to poorly performing search tools, the time spent asking colleagues when you can't find something, or the time spent recreating what you haven't found. All this wasted time can quickly add up: according to McKinsey, for example, an average of 20% of working time is wasted searching for information.
The use of an optimised tool to access these documents quickly.
Outmind allows you to use a simple keyboard shortcut [control + space] to find your data wherever it is stored.