Sinequa is an intelligent search engine for finding documents in the enterprise. It is difficult to know the price positioning of Sinequa.
As I indicated above, the price of Sinequa is not indicated on the site. It is necessary to go through a sales representative to get a quote according to your needs.
There are competitors to Sinequa that offer a similar service. Indeed, business search engines may offer different features, and thus suit different needs.
This has a direct impact on the tariff, but it does not mean that the service is any worse.
Outmind connects to your tools (servers, clouds, SharePoint, CRM, etc.) in minutes.
Thanks to its artificial intelligence, you will be able to find information efficiently wherever it is stored. And this, from your browser or the application.
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Copernic is a research tool dedicated to PCs. It can be used by individuals or companies.
Price: Between $14.99 and $55.49 per year per user excluding options (options between $5 and $30 per option per year)
Go to Copernicus
Curiosity is a tool that allows you to search your computer, emails and applications.
The tool connects to your local folders, email, Dropbox, Slack and any other tools you use.
Price: 0 € and 9,99 € / user / month
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Elastic Workplace Search makes it easy to find information across multiple content sources such as Salesforce, Google Workspace, Atlassian, Github, etc.
Prices: $16, $19, $22, $30/month → beware, the price offer is more complex than that, significant additional costs are added
Go to Elastic Workplace Search is a search engine that allows you to find information in your emails, chats, cloud and traditional files.
Price: Unknown
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