Managers & Senior Consultants
Capitalise better to gain an edge

Outmind speeds up your research and allows you to improve your quality standards.

Save your teams time by allowing them to find their documents instantly
With a simple keyboard shortcut, Outmind allows you to find all your documents, emails, messages, etc. in less than 4 seconds. The Outmind search will appear on top of your screen, whether you are working on a presentation, an Excel file, or any web page.
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The skills of your employees are unique, take them into account
Position the best experts to support your customers. With Outmind, you can find the consultants who have worked on a specific subject (sector expertise, client, theme...) in all your tools, even if the underlying documents are not shared.
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Enhance reference documents to better capitalise
With Tags, you will be able to highlight in 2 clicks the most important documents. Your collaborators will make fewer mistakes (use of wrong versions or formats, errors on the data used...) and will become more efficient.
how Outmind works
Key figures
average time saved per week per user (consultants and business managers)
of managers surveyed believe that Outmind facilitates harmonization
+ 95%
of our users say they save time on their information searches